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The Power of Mangroves

The unsung heros of the ocean!

Take Action Now to Save Florida's Mangroves

Coastlove has teamed up with the Plant A Million Corals Foundation (PAMCF) to restore mangroves in the Florida Keys to the next level! With mangrove forests rapidly declining worldwide, including right here in the Florida Keys, we must take bold action to restore these vital marine ecosystems. Mangrove forests are the lifeblood of our oceans, teeming with marine life, acting as marine nurseries, protecting coastlines and communities from storms and erosion, filtering water, and storing carbon.

PAMCF and Coastlove are asking the community to look for mangrove propagules (often thought of as seeds) and bring them to Summerland Farms. There will be a collection site at the entrance to the facility for drop-off.  We will also schedule some special community days, inviting the public to join us in planting these propagules, tour the coral and mangrove nurseries, and enjoy music, food, and fun. Check back for details or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know!

Before you get started, take a moment to read below on how to collect and store your store red mangrove propagules.
Then, take them over to Summerland Farms and watch for the upcoming planting events! 

Summerland Farms: 23801 Overseas Highway, Summerland Key, FL 33042

How to Collect Red Mangrove Propagules.jpg
How to Store Red Mangrove Propagules.jpg

Proud partner of 1% For The Planet

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Coastlove is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | EIN 87-1155532

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